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Lineups: Calciochiese - Tnt Monte Peller

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Stagione 2007-2008
Promozione - Trentino
Juniores Regionale
Allievi Regionale
Allievi Regionale
Giovanissimi Regionale
Giovanissimi Regionale
Giovanissimi Provinciale
Esordienti girone D
Esordienti girone F
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Round nr. 30 (15ª ritorno) 06/01/2008

logo Calciochiese
Tnt Monte Peller
Luzzani Fabio Goal41'1.Half
Fusi Marco Goal44'1.Half
Brida Luca Own goal18'2.Half
Faes Gianluca Goal31'2.Half, Goal45'2.Half
Donati Daniele Goal40'2.Half
Dalpiaz Mirko Goal32'2.Half, Goal41'2.Half, Goal46'2.Half
Players Calciochiese
Goalkeeper Scalvini Claudio
Defender Donati Daniele Goal40'2.Half
Defender Gelpi Vigilio
Defender Tramontana Daniele
Defender Zanolini Daniele
Midfielder Giovanelli Nicola
Midfielder Fusi Marco Player released24'2.Half Goal44'1.Half
Forward Luzzani Carlo Alberto
Forward Foued Ben Abdallah
Forward Luzzani Fabio Player released27'2.Half Goal41'1.Half
Midfielder Quarta Paolo Entered27'2.Half
Forward Faes Gianluca Entered24'2.Half Goal31'2.Half Goal45'2.Half
Coach Grassi Claudio
Players Tnt Monte Peller
Goalkeeper D'Accordi Stefano
Defender Stocchetti Cristian Player released28'2.Half
Defender Brida Luca Own goal18'2.Half
Midfielder Valentini Enrico
Midfielder Menapace Giovanni
Midfielder Sicher Stefano Player released28'2.Half
Midfielder PIlati S. Player released33'2.Half
Forward Dorigatti Stefano
Forward Bergamo Luca
Forward Dalpiaz Mirko Goal32'2.Half Goal41'2.Half Goal46'2.Half
Defender Nardelli Marco Entered33'2.Half
Defender Sannicolò Loris Entered28'2.Half
Midfielder Menapace Cristian Entered28'2.Half
Coach Girardi Pierluigi


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